In the warm water arena, those large aquatic insects would be damsel and dragon fly nymphs, but it could just as easily be taken for a small baitfish or crayfish.

The wooly worm was designed to imitate large aquatic insects like stoneflies, hellgrammites, etc. The wooly bugger imitates many aquatic life forms, but most folks fish it as a baitfish imitation. The quintessential wooly bugger was a spin off of the wooly worm. Flies with a palmered hackle down the entire hook shank have been documented as far back as the 1500’s. The wooly worm is a style of fly that may date back hundreds of years. Just imagine your holding wooly bugger with out a tail, or at most a small tag of yarn in place of the tail.

Anyone familiar with a wooly bugger will recognize a wooly worm immediately. Coming from the same bloodline, it is just as effective as it is more famous relative. The wooly worm is a predecessor to one of the most popular and effective flies ever invented, the wooly bugger.